VILLIGER with its first Limitada made in Estelí
Nicaragua is experiencing the most significant demand for cigars, and there is no end in sight. The American market, in particular, underscores this with never-ending demand. Europe also appreciates the tobaccos of the country with a thousand volcanoes and contributes to increased sales.
Heinrich VILLIGER appreciated the quality of the tobaccos early on and has maintained a close friendship with the renowned cigar manufacturer Joya de Nicaragua for years. Thus, the idea of having a VILLIGER plant in this country is also not surprising. After a construction period of about two years, the 3,000 m² VILLIGER DE NICARAGUA plant was opened.
No time for rest
While the plant was still operating, VILLIGER was already tinkering with new blends, ranges, and limited editions. With the help of a comprehensive smokers panel, which included marketing and sales staff and master blenders, a blend that packs a punch was created. The white ash caught our eye during the test smoking – a testimony of impeccably raised plants, reflecting a high level of expertise and skills. The result is a charming composition, with light spice and complete yet exquisite taste. The blend appears tailored for the “gran toro” format and once again proves the excellence of this Limitada. The filler consists of various Nicaraguan and Pennsylvania tobaccos. The filler is paired with a Mexican binder and an Ecuadorian wrapper.
It’s not only the inner values that count
The glossy lacquered box depicts an interpretation of the country’s incredible nature in stylish shades of blue. The gold lettering “Edición Limitada” adds further exclusivity to the box. It contains ten cigars in the “gran toro” format, priced at €14 for each cigar. This first Limitada of VILLIGER DE NICARAGUA is limited to 1,000 boxes for the German market.
The cigars will be officially presented at this year’s InterTabac in Dortmund. InterTabac is the world’s largest trade fair for tobacco products and smoking accessories and attracts numerous national and international guests.
It takes a long time to go a short way (Sophocles)