The VILLIGER Group is considered one of the top players in the cigar industry. We produce over one billion cigarillos and cigars worldwide and employ over 1,600 people around the globe. Despite the international scope and size of our operations, we remain true to our roots. VILLIGER has been family-owned for 137 years and maintains a strong position domestically in Switzerland. The company headquarters are still located in Pfeffikon, Lucerne, where Jean Villiger originally founded the cigar factory in 1888.
Our rich history remains a central part of our company. We are proud and fortunate to have many long-term employees. Mario, an event coordinator at VILLIGER, is one of them. We spoke with him, and he shared a few behind-the-scenes stories.

Hello Mario. Thank you for taking the time to talk to us. How long have you been working at VILLIGER?
Mario: My pleasure. I have been a member of the VILLIGER event team for 13 years now.

That’s quite a long time. Looking back at the past year, what was your personal highlight?
Mario: Actually, two specific events come to mind. One was the Innerschweizer Schwing- und Älplerfest in Menzingen last summer. The other was the 10th anniversary of the VILLIGER Celebration, which we held in November 2024. Both events were real highlights. I’m proud that I could be a part of them.


While we’re on the subject of experiences: what’s the funniest thing that’s happened at an event?
Mario: It must have been in 2020 at the Swiss Economic Forum in Montreux. I mixed up the date and informed guests that it would take place a day later than it actually was. Fortunately, however, they told me that the event was starting in an hour (!!!). As you can imagine, that was incredibly stressful, but thanks to our guests’ keen eye for detail, everything turned out well, and we can all laugh about it now. In that respect, it was just one of those moments in 2020 that, in my opinion, we could have skipped.

Oh dear, that was a close call. When you think back to the events, was there an encounter with a particular person that was especially memorable?
Mario: Yes. I’m sure you know him too: Gölä, the well-known dialect rocker. I found him to be down-to-earth, honest, and full of life. What impressed me particularly was that he remained a regular person despite his fame.

Is there a specific event you particularly like to remember in the last 13 years?
Mario: Oh, there are many. My first event was the 2012 Emmentalische Schwingfest in Bumbach. After this event, I knew that I had chosen the right company.


Let’s look to the future. Which event are you most looking forward to this year?
Mario: No doubt, the Eidgenössische Schwing- und Älplerfest in Glarnerland at the end of August. ESAF is always a unique event. We’re expecting 350,000 visitors, making it one of the largest events in Switzerland.

One last question: What is your favorite VILLIGER product?
Mario: There are two as well, depending on my mood. There is the CONSTELLATION SWEETS, but I also like the VILLIGER EXPORT round.

Thank you, Mario, for sharing your experiences as a member of the event team.

Would you like to learn more about Mario’s job? Then check out the video below. Mario explains why he has worked at VILLIGER for so long, what he does, and how the team works together.

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Cigars and cigarillos are stimulants for adults. To use this site, you must be at least 18 years old.
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