The affordable hand-rolled cigar. Mild but full-bodied aroma, the “Los Amigos” has a striking appearance. For all aficionados that enjoy a good smoke in company.
The hand-rolled cigars are decidedly mild yet full of aromas. The “Los Amigos” boasts a well-balanced filler from the Dominican Republic. For their unique flavor, they are rolled in a North American wrapper. They satisfy the expectations of beginners and price-conscious connoisseurs. They offer an even smoke and guarantee a balanced and consistent taste experience. Their striking appearance, paired with their unique aroma, will kindle the Mexican in every aficionado.
The hand-rolled cigars come in practical tubos that fit into every pocket and make them ideal for smoking spontaneously.
Starting May 2020, the “Los Amigos” come in compact counter displays.
Los Amigos Churchill / Format: L 165 mm, Ø 19.1 mm / Price: €3.50 per cigar in an individual tubo.
For further information:
Villiger Söhne GmbH
Schwarzenbergstrasse 3-7
79761 Waldshut-Tiengen
Tel. +49 7741 607 0
Fax. +49 7741 607 249