The AMERICANOS BRASIL is a premium quality cigar made from a blend of Brazilian, Java, and Caribbean tobaccos. The dark natural wrapper made of Brazilian Arapiraca tobacco makes this cigar exceptionally flavorful. The AMERICANOS BRASIL offers a pure and unadulterated Brazilian tobacco experience – perfect for the day-to-day smoke.
Due to the very positive market trends in the last two years, we have decided to roll out a new pair of AMERICANOS from April 1, 2022. These two new “family members” will each be available as a filtered and unfiltered cigarillo in club format.
By expanding the AMERICANOS brand, we are primarily addressing the needs of smokers who prefer an unadulterated smoke, i.e., unflavored tobaccos.
The tobacco composition of the cigarillo differs from that of the cigar.
Aiming to create the perfect blend, we sourced Virginia and Burley tobaccos from Africa and Indonesia, which give this cigarillo its distinct and unbeatable flavor. We also used Arapiraca for the wrapper – giving the cigarillo a spicy Brazilian note.
AMERICANOS Cigarillos are slightly longer, making them the perfect companion for a coffee. Both cigarillos are also ideal for those taking a small break and looking for the unique taste of the slightly sweet Arapiraca tobacco from Brazil.
AMERICANOS Cigarillos unfiltered
- Wrapper: Arapiraca (Brazil)
- Filler: Virginia and Burley tobaccos from Africa and Indonesia
- Length: 96 mm +/- 1 mm
- Diameter: 9 mm +/- 0.2 mm
- Contents: 10 unfiltered cigarillos
- Retail price: €4.50 per pack
AMERICANOS Cigarillos filtered
- Wrapper: Arapiraca (Brazil)
- Filler: Virginia and Burley tobaccos from Africa and Indonesia
- Length: 99.5 mm +/- 0.5 mm
- Diameter: 7.8 mm
- Contents: 17 filtered cigarillos
- Retail price: €6.00 per pack
- For the filter cigarillo, we use a paper filter without additives of plastic
- Wrapper: Arapiraca (Brazil)
- Filler: Brasil / Java / Caribbean tobaccos
- Length: 118 mm
- Diameter: 18 mm
- Contents: 5 cigars
- Retail price: €3.20 per pack