It's no secret that younger smokers have historically inclined to cigarettes, while cigars remained the domain of older, more experienced connoisseurs. 

Now, however, a new trend is emerging among young tobacco aficionados. Cigarillos, in particular, flavored ones, are catching on like never before, while cigarettes are becoming less popular. Here's what you should know about cigarillos, cigarettes and why many young smokers are making the switch.

What Separates a Cigarillo from a Cigarette?

Though they share the characteristic of being smaller and more convenient for quick smoking than traditional cigars, the differences between cigarillos and cigarettes are manifold. Perhaps the most obvious difference is the wrapping material. A cigarillo is rolled in either real tobacco leaf or a tobacco-based paper substitute. Cigarettes, on the other hand, are rolled in a familiar white thermal paper that is not based on tobacco.

Though cigarillos are smaller than cigars, they are still on average larger than cigarettes. The average cigarillo is between 75 and 100 millimeters long, generally inclining to the higher end of that range. By contrast, a regular cigarette is only 70 millimeters long. There are, however, some less-common variations of cigarettes that are longer than the standard size.

In most cases, cigarillos are also made of a higher quality of tobacco than cigarettes. Though there are certainly higher-end cigarettes that are exceptions, many mass-produced cigarettes include considerable amounts of biomass from tobacco stems that have been processed into usable tobacco sheets. Cigarillos, by contrast, often use the same high-quality tobacco blends that are found in full-size cigars. As a result, cigarillos typically have richer, fuller and stronger flavors and aromas than cigarettes.

Finally, there is a considerable difference in the etiquette of smoking a cigarillo. In terms of how and why it is smoked, a cigarillo is more like a cigar than a cigarette. Most cigarette smokers smoke very quickly and inhale the smoke their cigarettes produce. Cigarillos, being made of better tobacco, should be savored. If you're smoking a cigarillo, it's also unwise to inhale the smoke, owing to the fact that it is much stronger than cigarette smoke.

Why Are Younger Smokers Choosing Cigarillos?

For young adults, there are many possible reasons to choose cigarillos over cigarettes. The greater quality compared to cigarettes is almost certainly one of the reasons that younger people are turning to cigarillos. For the young smoker who wants to indulge with fine tobacco at a reasonable cost and without taking half an hour to smoke a full-size cigar, cigarillos are a great compromise solution. Their close relation to cigars may also give them a role as a status symbol for younger adults who are in the process of asserting themselves in the business world for the first time.

Perhaps the largest reason that cigarillos are catching on with young adults, though, is the fact that they now come in a wide variety of different flavors. From chocolate to fruit flavors, cigarillos now display a range of flavor choices that is greater than either cigars or cigarettes. As the vape industry has clearly illustrated, being able to choose from a large selection of flavors is a major selling point for younger smokers. While vaping offers some similar flavor choices, however, it does not provide the unique enjoyment of smoking real tobacco.

If you are looking for a good cigar or cigarillo to experience the indulgence of a high-quality smoke for yourself, consider VILLIGER's line of excellent tobacco products. Made with the finest tobacco, VILLIGER cigars and cigarillos deliver an optimal smoking experience for smokers of all tastes.

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